Fender Squire STD Jazz Bass Reviews 5

I'm in a band which plays all rock, I am on second vocal and shredding bass. I love hard rock, heavy metal from 60's, 70's and 80's.

I paid $230 because I needed a solid, reliable bass to start on at Project Music (near the Picture House) of Exeter.

It's heavy! It's specifically for jazz and metals and rock. It's got a huge head which means it's suitable for grungy metal. It's not dodgy and it's well build, reccomended by the bassists of Rush and Aussie Pink Floyd as well as other rock musicians like Lemmy from Motorhead.

It's colour, and even that's not too bad!

Hard & solid. Reliable. Well-build. Simple design. All the details added. 2 pickups which are very sensative to sound but are hard to break.

Apart from the Rickenbacker 4003, which costs a bomb! (between £900 and £2100), this is the best bass in the world!

Haz rated this unit 5 on 2006-03-11.

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